1.0.1 (DEC 28th, 2023)
New Featured:
- Home Category Section Text Color
- Navigation Background Hover Color
- Header cart icon color
- Home Category Title Color
- Home Category Button Color
- Home Category Background Color
- Category Description Color
- Testimonial Background Color
- Testimonial Text Color
- Add a setting to turn off the home page category section
Bugs Solved
- PDP page make it a bundle section price issues
- Home page Most Popular section price issued
- Removed Theme Variant name from the footer
- Loading issue on the home page category section
- Category Page - Not Disable From List View
- Quick view button issue for list and grid view on the category page
- Quantity +/- button color option
- Default Sale text display
1.0.2 (May 17th, 2024)
Bugs Solved:
- Initial Stable Release for all theme variants.
- Tweaks and Fixes after further UAT.
- Updated based on the cornerstone theme.
- Fixed cart drawer payment button issues.
1.0.3 (Nov 9th, 2024)
Bugs Solved:
- Initial Stable Release: Release the initial, stable version of the theme for all variations.
- Core Theme Alignment: Update the theme to align with the latest cornerstone theme.
- Enhanced Product Cards: Improve product card interactivity by adding a hover effect to display additional product information.
- Subscription Popup Functionality: Add a configurable setting to activate a subscription popup on page load.
- Post-UAT Optimization: Refine the theme based on feedback from user acceptance testing.
- Dropdown Navigation: Implement a dropdown navigation menu for improved website navigation.
- Channel Selector: Add a dropdown menu in the header to allow users to easily switch between different channels.
- Theme Document: We've made the necessary updates to the theme documentation to reflect the recent changes.
If you found any issue in our theme, please submit it to us. We will try our best to resolve it.